October 2, 2006


tonite became this morning,
somehow still and cool and quiet enough
to slither under the door with the sun,
shards stars way out in the east still,
greying east,
the day snakes through the canyons of the waking city,
you can hear her first breath,
slumber is parting,
making way for the new day.
the residue of midnight's play reverberating,
bouncing around inside my head
like ten thousand ping pong balls
trickling down a staircase,
the memory freshens and gathers steam
and drags me out of the arms of short lived sleep,
across the asphault and concrete that has
been laid to mark this supposed separation,
this distinction between you and me,
them and us,
and her,
earthen mother,
she is still wrapped around
usin lusterous embrace
regardless of the bloody betrayal we seek.
i found the shining lines last night,
finally bottomed out nearing 5 am,
these latter days of autumn rustle
across the grass and shimmer in
distant cool sunshine days that have been dredged up
from the farthest reaches of childhood memory,
i must drink deep before we are shuddered in,
succor and
savor and
engorge myself with every second of
these precious days,
nostalgic days,
harkening to afternoons
spent in the backyard,
silver sky,
wrestling with the dogs,
napping in the grass,
reluctant already in
my youth to return to school the next day,
praying for some reason or
way that monday could just become
another lazy sunday.