March 12, 2007

my dick in everything.

when i say fuck the trains,
i mean literally fuck the trains,
i am making love to the ridiculous beauty of the city,
i am breathing hard in her ear as i trace the lines of
her sinewed back with my fingers,
i am running my mouth
and tongue down her neck and shoulders,
across her breasts,
i am striving and straining to work my way
deeper and deeper inside of her,
that she might take me all the way,
drain me and drench me with her
sweetest nectar,
her deepest trust,
make me wholly her
and everyone else that i see.
fuck the cars,
fuck the streets,
fuck the buildings,
i am mad in love and penetrating
the whole thing with every sense and thought,
through the mantra and meditation,
keeping myself teetering on the edge of the most
profound orgasm, the most exquisite rest,
to slumber in her arms,
way out in this fifth burrough,
under the sun,
in the park,
my bike tire as my pillow and the
grass as my bed.
fuck the park.
fuck the birds.
fuck the city.
fuck the sun.
or at least give a kiss.