February 18, 2008


back stage,
behind the resorts,
the production,
the show,
are the garbage trucks
dirty alleys
smoking Filipino chefs
blue eyed bums
with half full bottles
warm syrupy liquor
all they have to stave off the sun.
grit under fingernails
glass on concrete
brick walls addled with adolescent graffiti.
back stage,
off the main walk,
the beaten path,
real life is happening.
50 dollar blow jobs.Korean restaurants that actually serve dogs dog.
real life the way I've seen...
sometimes violent
fueled by the dream.
this morning
I crawl away from the cheapest
worst whore a man could stand.
I step into the early dawn
splintering brilliance
shade my eyes as they adjust
soak up the shining sky
and listen to the birds
as they lay down the soundtrack
to the beautiful show
we have made
in the alleys
the small rooms
for another player
who loves to play.