October 28, 2008

coffee in san diego.

eras drop like days drop like flies.

it doesn't matter if you hold on like a death grip, they still go, and if you're not careful, you might not even see it happen.

i have been embroiled in a project, trying to fall in love with even the most adverse of circumstances. sometimes it works.

even still, sometimes lately, i fall out of love, and i end up sleepwalking, floating, drifting all day, eyes closed, heart closed, aimless wandering...you'll definitely bust your shins more that way, but it seems that this might be less painful than life when you forget to be in love.

i have to remember:
wake up, fall in love, today is the perfect day.

keep on the project.
stay on task.
nose to the grindstone.

don't stumble though another minute with your eyes closed.

if not for yourself, do it for your shins.
if not for your shins, at least spare the coffee table the horror of another smashcrash spill...

wake up!

fall in love.

today is the perfect day.